Integration and Healing, energy healing, alternative health


村尾 芙美

Murao Fumi profile 2 photo

Fujisawa, Kanagawa



Energy ALIVE®はヒーリングであり、どう生きるかという哲学だと思っています。セッションでは手で優しく軽く触れることや、オフボディで、道具も侵襲も全くなしに働きかけます。凝りが軽くなり、何かが体の中を流れるのを感じるかもしれません。あなた自身が滞ったエネルギーを流して解放しているのです。Energy ALIVE®のセッションで私が行うのは、ストレスを解放し滞りを流すきっかけ作り、お手伝いです。あなたがあなた自身で治癒し、より健康に自由に、そしてあなたの素晴らしい力を発揮できるようになっていく、その助けになれるなら幸いです。

・Energy ALIVE®認定プラクティショナー

・Quantum-Touch Level 1 and Level 2
・Divine Healing Master Key, Level 1


通院中の方でも施術可能です。Energy ALIVE®︎は医学に基づく治療ではなく、医療行為ではありません。セッションでは医療行為は一切行っておりません。

言語:  日本語, 英語, フランス語

Vous pouvez passer des séances en simple français et anglais. Veuillez vous parler lentement et très simplement, s.v.p. À ce que je crois, il y a quelques chose qui est plus important que le language dans la séance. N’hésitez pas à profiter la séance.

電話:      080-1103-9813 日中は繋がりにくいです、メッセージ残して頂けますと助かります。

私は病院での医療の中で患者さんと関わってきました。元々、鍼灸やシャーマンの治療、ホメオパシーなど代替療法が好きでしたが、自身の怪我がきっかけでEnergy ALIVE®に出逢うことができました。



日々のストレスをリリースし、滞ったエネルギーを流すと、自分の身体を感じ、心の声が聴けるようになります。そうすると、自分を痛めている癖までも修正していけるようになるでしょう。すごく健康的だと思いませんか? Energy ALIVE®はまさにこのプロセスを進む助けとなってくれます。


Energy ALIVE®のセッションで私は、あなたのストレスを解放し、滞りを流すきっかけ作り、お手伝いをします。それによって、あなたがあなた自身で治癒し、笑い、喜び、より健康に、より自由に、そしてあなたの素晴らしい力を発揮できるようになっていく、その助けになれれば幸いです。

Energy ALIVE®を通じて、あなたの素敵な人生の旅路に関われることを、楽しみにしています。


Fujiwara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


Energy ALIVE® is a healing modality and is also a philosophy about how you live, I think.  In a session, using hands, a light touch on or off body, without any tools or invasion, you might feel your stiffness become lighter.  Something begins to flow in your body that lets you know you are releasing sluggish energy that has been stored there.  What I do in an Energy ALIVE® session is to make a start and help you to release by yourself.  I am happy to help you be able to heal and treat yourself, be more healthy, more free, and develop your talent.

Qualifications and Certifications
・Energy ALIVE® certificated practitioner
・Quantum-Touch® Level 1 and Level 2
・Divine Healing Master Key, Level 1
・Energy therapy using images
・Japan Physicians Society for Homeopathy Qualified homeopathic physician

 [ Sessions]

My location is near Kugenuma Beach facing Enoshima, where we can see Mt. Fuji. The sea helps us to clear, purify and be grounded. After feeling more comfortable by the session, it might be nice to walk around the sea or Kamakura.

Sessions are available face-to-face or at a distance. No need to travel to receive a session. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you cannot go out, you have babies and/or small children, or you feel insecure to go out and/or meet someone directly.
I can offer the session to someone who goes to the hospital and gets medical treatment.  However, an Energy ALIVE session is not a medical practice.


Japanese.  Basic English and French are available but simple words and speak slowly, please.   I think that there is something more important than language in a session. Don’t hesitate to try a session.

Vous pouvez passer des séances en simple français et anglais. Veuillez vous parler lentement et très simplement, s.v.p. À ce que je crois, il y a quelques chose qui est plus important que le language dans la séance.  N’hésitez pas à profiter la séance.

Contact information

Tel: +81-80-1103-9813 It is difficult to connect at daytime, but please leave your message. I’ll call you back later.


I have worked and related with patients in hospitals. Naturally, I like alternative medicines like acupuncture, treatments that Shamen do, Homeopathy. Thanks to my injury, I met Energy ALIVE®.

In the hospital, I often think that if patients had felt and noticed their own signals, they would have avoided such a crisis. Also I have seen many cases where patients take many medicines to reduce pain or not to feel the symptoms.  These medicines suppress their signals, and the disease becomes more complicated and chronic.

Why do you have pain?  Why do you become ill?  Why are you often injured, why always the same spot?  Why do you have an allergy?

I think that the symptom is a precious sign that our body tells us and is a cry of the heart. The root is inside yourself, and in you there is also a good inner healer.

If you can release the daily stress, and let the sluggish energy that has been stored flow out, then you can feel yourself, and listen to the voice of your heart. This can change the old habits that hurt. Don’t you think that is really healthful?  Energy ALIVE® helps us to progress on this journey.

The energy that repels virus, it is the best. But never be too afraid of the disease.  if you happen to get a disease, it is a signal, and it is a chance that you can become more powerful than before!

In an Energy ALIVE® session, I only make a start and help you to release yourself.  This helps you to heal yourself, be more healthy, laugh and feel more joy, be more free, and develop your nice talents. That is my pleasure.

With Energy ALIVE®, I would like to help you progress your nice journey of life.