Energy ALIVE is taught in 5 phases.
Each one builds upon the other. They can profoundly change your life.
In Energy ALIVE Phase 1:
We begin with the physical body. Why?
Because most of us have disconnected our awareness from major areas of our own body. Many people don’t notice that they are holding their shoulders tensely, for example, or that they clench their teeth or jaw when they read. But the body knows and tells us by providing visible cues: pain here, tightness there, a migraine, a disease.
Energy ALIVE helps us rebuild a habit of conscious connection to our own body so that we can feel, see and experience what is happening directly. Once we can identify where our tensions are, we can clear them using Energy ALIVE movement-release techniques. This changes your ability to help yourself every day.
Touch in EA is always feather-soft and yet strategically placed for maximum stress relief.
Imagine being able to release tension from your eyes while sitting at your desk, using one fingertip. It takes seconds.
Click here to email Henri about a class near you.
In Energy ALIVE Phase 2:
For some individuals, awareness is not the problem. FOCUS is, and how to use it to enhance well-being. This is what we learn in Phase 2.
We also work with EMOTIONS. We explore what our feelings are all about, and what they express. We especially work with so-called “negative” emotions which are so often misunderstood or judged. You’ll see their energetic roots and the wisdom they impart. This gives you new tools to handle the physical and emotional stress triggers in your life. (Please note: This is not psychotherapy, nor are we re-programming the mind. In Energy ALIVE, we do not try to remove our feelings. Instead, we work WITH them,unraveling the messages they convey.)
Phase 2 also offers you new ways to experience grounding. GROUNDING supports you from inside out, so that you are stable at your base. It can be done at home, work, while walking down the street,
talking with friends. Skyscrapers need a solid foundation. People do too. This will profoundly shift your ability to be present, creative and joyful.
It is much easier than you think.
Click here to email Henri about a class near you.
In Energy ALIVE Phase 3:
Phase 3 takes the tools and understandings deeper, working with chakras and energy channels.
Energy ALIVE uses a 15-chakra model that aligns you to your foundation and to your inspiration. Each chakra is explored, experienced and understood so that it is easy to see how individually and collectively they impact daily life.
Phase 3 also works with key transformational points on the body which allow you to let go of slow, sluggish and stressful energies. All of this is done with only a feather-light touch…or no touch at all.
There are additional channels that move through the head. These are not mentioned in most healing books. We’ll work with them, learning simple but effective tools that help them remain clear.
Click here to email Henri about a class near you.
Energy ALIVE Phases 4 and 5
are taught by request and
involve more specialized
and advanced training.